How To Get Clefairy To Appear Pokemon Platinum Slot Machine

It pops out randomly, but only when you match the slots. Stop the slots as Clefairy points to them. If the moon is red, wait for it to go back to normal and continue when it is. Doing this perfectly increases your chances, but will not gurantee it. One more thing about Clefairy. If it has ditto eyes, the odds of another bonus round decrease. 🎰 TM64 - Clefairy Slot Machine Guide:: Diamond, Pearl and Platinum Other Pages:: How are you supposed to play at the Game Corner? Pokemon Diamond Version Software - MORE.

How To Get Clefairy To Appear Pokemon Platinum Slot Machine In Vegas

How to get clefairy to appear pokemon platinum slot machinesHow To Get Clefairy To Appear Pokemon Platinum Slot Machine
After reading many of the 'guides' on the veilstone slot game one thing quickly became apparent, noone has any idea how it works. I tried every combination of replays, pikachus, and moonstones when a pokeball came up and the results were always random. After many profanity-laced outbursts I finally settled down and started trying to find any patterns. This isn't the gospel by any means, this is only what I observed when I finally hit 10+ rounds to get that damn TM. By the way, I made it to 15 with a 3k haul.
1. The clefairy makes a big difference. This seems obvious, but which clefairy you get does matter. I made it to 10+ rounds with the shiny clefairy and I can definitely say he is more forgiving then the ditto and normal clefairy. Along the way to 15 rounds I made a number of idiotic moves, yet the shiny clefairy still stuck around. I'll break down what happened through my rounds in the hope that someone smarter then me will find the pattern.
Round 1: No Mistakes, pikachu dance ensued
Round 2: Botched three different attempts, clefairy disappeared and reappeared into and out of his pokeball.
Round 3: One mistake, pikachu dance still happened at the end
Round 4: Only miss was during the red moon on purpose, pikachu dance
The rest of the rounds ended with pikachu dances until the 15th round when clefairy bid me adieu. I made a few more mistakes along the way but I never panicked or flipped out, I just recovered and kept chugging along.
2. The red moon tip in the guides is correct. I did notice that purposely not following clefairy's pointing during the red moon actually does make a difference. I don't know if there is a certain thing you should do, I always went the opposite way with the 'B' button always being whenever the clefairy pointed at it and it worked for me.
3. The pokeball advice is bull$#!^. Like I mentioned earlier, the 'combos' you need to get clefairy to appear is complete crap. I tried every combo possible with every pokeball and it didn't make a lick of difference. Sometimes they appeared and sometimes they didn't. I did notice one trend however, when I stopped going in order (Y, B, A) and started doing random orders I seemed to have better luck.
4. The pokeball that clefairy pops out of makes a difference. I got my shiny clefairy out of the ultraball. The greatball gave me ditto clefairy and I got normal clefairy out of the safariball and regular pokeball. I had zero success with the white pokeball.
5. Buy some flowers or jewelry for ol' Lady Luck. The biggest thing I got out of my little slot experiment is that like a real casino, it's mainly luck. So don't stress out over it.
6. It's not a speed race. When I made my mistakes, it was because I was overthinking and trying to predict what clefairy was going to point at. This is stupid. Take your time, there is no rush. After I hit 10 rounds, I started playing fetch with my dog and taking my time since whatever else was extra and to see if it made a difference, it didn't. Plus we have to remember what age group this game was originally made for. 10 year old kids aren't going to be rushing through the slot machine game and over-analyzing it. We as adults are going to do stupid things like that.
Maybe if we all pool together we can figure out a consistent guide for this thing to help out the community. If it exists, I didn't see it and I apologize for posting then. Otherwise lets make a guide thats not crap like the others floating around in the web.