Truth About Online Casinos

There are many misconceptions that surround the idea of
gambling. Some of these developed due to a lack of real
understanding about the subject. Others are repeated so often by
people who are anti-gambling that they become accepted as fact,
when they are actually nothing more than myths.

There are a lot of myths relating to online gambling in
particular, and some of these myths are so widely believed that
they actually stop people from betting and gaming online. We
think it’s a shame that there are people choosing not to enjoy
everything that online gambling has to offer for the wrong
reasons. There are some valid reasons why it’s not right for
everyone, but no-one should miss out just because their heads
have been filled with ideas that simply aren’t true.

The purpose of this page is to set the record straight. We’ve
listed some of the most common online gambling myths, and
revealed the real truth.

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  • Online casinos are so often compared to their land-based counterparts. The online versions often come with many unfounded facts that are so not true. It leaves many believing that online casinos have a bad reputation, and should be avoided, but it is simply not backed up or deserved. Several fictional points have come up over the years.
  • The truth about Roulette Home Edge: a successful roulette system The online casino thrives on delusions and illusions. They wouldn’t have the ability to revenue if individuals knew the reality about what did.

All Online Gambling is Illegal

This is undoubtedly one of the biggest online gambling myths
of all. It’s not relevant in parts of the world where online
gambling is fully legalized and regulated, but there are some
regions where the laws aren’t so clear. The United States is one
such region, and a significant percentage of people living there
genuinely believe that they’d be breaking the law by using a
gambling site.

The truth is that they wouldn’t, as there’s no law that
explicitly makes it illegal to do any kind of gambling online.
There’s a lot of related legislation and much of it isn’t very
clear, but it’s mostly targeted towards the individuals and
organizations that facilitate online gambling. This refers to
the operators of gambling sites, or financial institutions that
process gambling related transactions.

It’s illegal to start and operate a gambling site without the
proper licenses in most parts of the world. This seems perfectly
logical to us, and it’s the way it should be. However, we are
not aware of anywhere where it’s a criminal offense to actually
use a gambling site. This, again, seems logical. Why should it
be illegal to spend our own money on what’s ultimately a form of

The Truth About Online Casinos

Related Information

In our gambling laws section we provide
information on exactly what the relevant laws are in different
regions all over the world. You should take a look at this if
you’re interested in finding out more about what’s legal, and
what’s not, in the area where you live.

Gambling Sites Are Not Secure

A lot of people worry that if they join a gambling site they
are at risk of having their personal data exposed. Or, even
worse, having their funds stolen from their online account. Such
concerns stem from the myth that gambling sites are not secure.

The reality is that the top gambling sites are probably among
some of the most secure websites you’ll find on the web. They
use advanced security technology and encryption techniques that
protect your data and your funds. It’s fair to say that some
sites are not as secure as they should be, but if you stick to
the most reputable ones then you have absolutely nothing to
worry about.

If this is something that does concern you, you might want to
look at the following page. We’ve listed the very safest
gambling sites around, all thoroughly tested to ensure that they
are fully secure.

Gambling Sites Cheat Their Customers

Another common concern among people reluctant to gamble
online is that they will be cheated in some way. For example,
some people worry that the games won’t be fair. Others worry
that they won’t get paid out if they manage to win.

These concerns are largely unfounded. There have been cases
where sites have been caught cheating, but the vast majority of
sites don’t behave in this way. They rightly recognize that they
will be more profitable in the long run if they treat their
customers fairly and earn a good reputation. The limited number
of sites that have cheated their customers were probably run by
people who only focused on short term gains.

Absolute Poker & Ultimate Bet were both caught cheating their customers, but such cases are thankfully very rare.

It’s Impossible To Win

This is closely linked to the above point really, as the idea
that it’s impossible to win suggests that the sites must be
fixing results somehow. This is, of course, a form of cheating.
With that being said, some people genuinely believe that it’s
simply not possible to win at gambling at all, regardless of
whether it’s done online or not.

The facts are that sites don’t fix results (apart from the
previously mentioned examples and exceptional cases), and it IS
possible to win at gambling. It’s not easy, for sure, but that’s
not the same as impossible. It’s important to remember that all
forms of gambling are the same of course. Playing casino games,
for example, mostly means relying on luck to win. Playing poker
or betting on sports, on the other hand, can be profitable with
both the right set of skills and the use of solid strategies.

Everyone Ends Up Addicted

This one is pure nonsense. There’s absolutely no doubt that
gambling can be addictive, and it can be a real issue for some
people. The very idea that EVERYONE who gambles will
automatically get addicted is just ridiculous though, with
absolutely no evidence to support it. There’s plenty of
evidence, however, to support the fact that there are a myriad
of people who gamble within their means and have no problem
controlling how much time and money they spend on this
particular pastime.

It’s also worth noting that the most reputable gambling sites
take the problem of addiction very seriously. They allow their
customers to set limits for how much they can deposit on a
daily, weekly, and monthly basis. They also allow for
self-exclusions and have policies for closing the accounts of
customers that they believe might be problem gamblers.

Top Tip

Although not everyone that gambles online ends up
addicted, it’s still a risk that you should be aware of and take
seriously. Please always set yourself some limits for how much
money you’re prepared to spend, and be sure to stick to those
limits. If you ever feel like you are starting to lose control,
you should
stop immediately and seek help.

Withdrawals Take Forever

When we win, we want our money as fast as possible. That’s
natural. Without a doubt, there will be circumstances where
you’ll have to wait longer for a withdrawal from a gambling site
to be processed than you’re comfortable with. This can be very
frustrating. However, at the top sites at least, such waits are
rarely much longer than a week or two at the absolute maximum.

They’re actually often a lot shorter than that. Depending on
the site you’re using, where you live, and the withdrawal method
chosen, you may even get your winnings paid out in as little as
a few hours.

Land-Based Gambling Has Suffered

Ever since online gambling became possible, certain voices
from within the land-based gambling industry have been very loud
in complaining. Some people have obviously seen online gambling
as a threat to their own livelihoods. That’s a reasonable
reaction really, but the fact is that there’s no substantial
proof that the land-based industry has suffered at all as a
direct result of internet betting and gaming. In fact, many
people believe that the opposite is true in some cases.

Live poker has almost certainly grown in popularity
because of the online game.

If you owned a land-based casino, then you possibly wouldn’t
be thrilled that your customers could play the same games you
offer in your venue from the comfort of their own home. But
there’s nothing wrong with a bit of competition, and gambling
has evolved during the internet age like many other industries.
It’s up to the land-based venues to look for new and innovative
ways to keep their customers, and that benefits everyone. Many
of them have done just that to be fair, which is why the
assertion they have suffered is nothing more than a myth.

It’s Easy For Kids To Gamble Online

There’s no getting away from the fact that it’s possible for
an under-age person to gamble online if they really want to.
Just like it’s possible for an under-age person to gain entry to
a bar or a casino, if they are willing to take the risk of using
a fake ID. Something being possible is far from the same as it
being easy though, and it’s NOT easy for kids to gamble online.
They would have to be very committed and devious, and even then
there’s no guarantee that they would succeed.

The top gambling sites are all regulated and licensed, and as
part of that they usually have to have very strict controls in
place to prevent under-age gambling. We wouldn’t suggest that
it’s not a problem at all, and it probably does happen on
occasion, but it’s nowhere near to the truth to say that kids
can gamble online easily.

More Gambling Myths Debunked

Those addressed above are just a few of the most common myths
relating to online gambling in general. There are many more,
including several relating to specific types of gambling. We’ve
covered those in detail on the following pages. You really will
be amazed at just how much of what you read and hear about online
gambling is simply not true.

Perhaps no other thing can destroy the inner peace of a punter as to know that the other side is cheating and has been using a loaded dice.

Casino rigging works in a similar way as the house or casino rigs the game to minimize payouts to as little as possible.

Truth About Online Casinos

By casino rigging, we mean rigging in the real sense of the word or to put it another way, manipulate the outcome in such a way which will lead you to lose no matter what you do.

Most casino games are defined as games of chance and a game of chance means that you may win or lose as everything depends on the chance and odds.

But if a casino is rigged and you are going to lose anyway then it’s no longer a game of chance, indeed it is just another way of stealing your money by promising you a fair game of chance where your winnings or losses depend on the odds.

Trust is the foundation of a business and nowhere this maxim is truer than in the world of online gambling.

As often, most people especially those new to online casinos ask themselves a question before making a deposit that whether they can trust the casino establishment to play in a fair manner.

In this article, we will answer if it is possible that behind the scenes, can online casinos be rigged?

Casino rigging is a practice which is probably as old as the casinos themselves.

Successful and well-run casinos don’t need to rig a game.

To be profitable as by offering lower than theoretical odds, they ensure that no matter how good a player they will have to pay lower payouts and winnings as would have been the case with ideal odds.n

Movies About Casino

This practice is known as “house edge” and most professional players are aware of this. Most veteran punters accept this as they also understand well that casinos need to earn profits to be in business.

So, now we hope we have covered the basics and have differentiated between house edge and casino rigging, let’s move to the main discussion.

In one word, yes, it’s possible to rig an online casino and online casinos can be easily rigged and are often rigged by unreliable owners and administrators.

Although, thankfully there is a huge community of online casino players and it doesn’t take long for them to identify an online casino which is rigged unfavourably against its players.

How Online Casinos Are Rigged

One common way for online casinos to rig a game is by advertising high payouts signifying that their take will be small or even 0 in some cases and then offer lower odds to players.

This experience is shared by lots of customers and is legally a fraud.

Although, to prove that a casino is cheating, you must have quite advanced mathematical skills, and must play thousands of time and then compare the records which you have collected.

Although, to prove that a casino is cheating, you must have quite advanced mathematical skills, and must play thousands of time and then compare the records which you have collected.

Online casinos offer free games as bait for attracting customers and often advertise 100% payout, while most will never pay more than 95%-96%, if done legally they can claim this to be their take or house edge.

But if a casino is advertising 100% payouts when the real payout is 96%, then they are committing a legal fraud using false advertising and marketing tactics.

Many customers complain that when they played a free game, odds favoured them and they could win most of the times, but after switching to a paid game when they’ve bet their own money, they started losing.

This is a sign that the online casino has rigged the game and you must stay away from online casinos which follow this sort of or any similar practice.

Most incidents of fraud occur with card games, where casinos offer lower than random odds and do their best to make a player lose.

Veteran players can easily detect such a fraud, but not all of us have the gut feeling required to detect that a game has been rigged from the start.

Blackjack, for example, has clearly defined mathematical odds, which slightly favours the house or casino.

For someone, with no prior experience of blackjack or of its several variants, it’d be almost impossible to know that they’ve been given weak cards from the start.

Although, someone with a good understanding of the mathematics behind the game and the game itself it’ll be quite easy to detect such a thing.

Some online games other than table and card ones can be programmed to be rigged using other more sophisticated methods by modern technology.

Most online casinos use random number generators, which is basically a software running on various mathematical algorithms and an RNG ensures that the game is random.

Casinos and gambling whether online or offline are basically about randomness as if an outcome of a game has been decided even before the start, and there is no randomness involved in terms of the outcome.

Random number generators used by online casinos ensure that the outcome is random and minimize the chance of rigging.

Random number generators are used in most roulette games offered by online casinos as it’s these RNGs whose job is to generate a random winning number.

So, if you are playing with an online casino which uses certified random number generators, then chances of rigging are almost nil.

To decide whether online casinos can be rigged it’s necessary to separate fact from fiction and the answer can be both Yes and No depending on your own perspective.

Technical things aside, we still can’t say for sure that random number generators generate 100% random results.


Nonetheless, online casinos using these are considered more trustworthy than those without a random number generator.

The Truth About Online Casinos

How To Protect Yourself From A Rigged Online Casino

Now, it has become clear that there is no silver bullet which will protect you from a rigged online casino.

And to tell the truth there are very few ways in which a normal player can identify when an online casino is rigging the game.

Identifying rigged online casinos is an expensive and lengthy process which will require you to play thousands of hands with them, keep all the records, tally the odds promised with the actual results and sadly most of us also do not have the time to do this.

All you need to do is to avoid online casinos which have been known to employ shady practices and where other players have faced trust issues.

Old habits die hard and this is also true with online casinos.

Many casino owners try to start new casinos after defrauding people, but thanks to the vigilant gambling community online, you can get information about most of the online casinos and the people who are running these establishments.

Books About Casinos

After all, genuine business people don’t hide information as there is no need for them to do this.

Make sure that you play only with reputed online casinos and don’t choose a casino based on their advertised free bonuses and welcome packages only.

Instead, you must carefully read the reviews about them and pay close attention to what other punters have to say about their own experience with a specific online casino, before you choose one.


We’d like to conclude this article with some practical advice for our readers.

As you’ve seen an answer to the question; can online casinos be rigged? is Yes, as it’s possible to rig an online casino using various method identified above which directly affects the outcome of a game.

Online casinos also use other tactics which make withdrawing your winnings difficult or impossible.

This doesn’t mean that the initial game was rigged but is certainly a sign of caution as no reputed online casino would like to risk their reputation on a few bucks.

The only thing which you can do is do your best in terms of research and read all the reviews about a casino before choosing one.

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